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Saving Money Doesn’t Have to be Hard

But we get it, it’s not always easy either. Researching financial products and making the next big life move can be daunting. Researching on your own can be time-consuming, confusing at times, maybe involve some guessing and sometimes even include a bit of luck. TPJ is here to gather the best money saving tips and financial information in one place for you so you can focus on the important things in life. It is our goal to put vetted research into fun posts that don’t make you start to count sheep, provide a community of active savers to provoke healthy discussion, and hopefully offer some new financial challenges and tools that will help make your financial journey a little more interesting.

Trust Us - We Aren’t for Sale

Remember that time you were looking for financial advice on some nerdy finance site, and they tried telling you that a credit card was literally the best for everything? Or perhaps you noticed that default assumptions are in no way realistic for a reasonable person. $300 a month for a paperclip budget? That seems reasonable.

You know what those sites have in common? They have a team of salespeople looking to maximize their revenue, and that means giving you advice that makes the most money. Sometimes that means you're being sold a financial product that is the best for someone that buys 1,000,000 paperclips every year. The Penny Jar strives to cut through that noise with honest advice, more user engagement, and a noticeable lack of salespeople.

Now, let us be honest, “everyone has a price” is a saying for a reason. We aren’t going to argue there. You want to buy The Penny Jar? Let us know. We won't mind going to space with Jeff Bezos.

We Are Here to Save...


From bad content. 

Also, we’re here to save money, just like you! We are passionate about finding new ways to save money to help reach our family goals, and we want to make deal hunting and financial planning a community sport. Let’s fill our penny jars together.

Follow the Money Trail...

So, how do we pay for this site? Some might say good looks, but we also have financial relationships with some advertisers. Before you roll your eyes, there are a few promises we must make to you so that we can sleep at night:

  1. We will never sell your personal data. The thing about personal data is it is personal. We may use browsing data to ensure our site is working properly, though.
  2. We will always disclose when we have a relationship with another company. You can find that list below.
  3. We will never let advertising relationships dictate our content. If we love a product, and we can provide an easy way for you to get that product, we will. If we want to go all Sopranos on a product review because it is terrible, we will.
  4. We will listen to your feedback and improve the site where we can.
  5. We will do our best to use our powers for good.
  6. We will never sell out, until we do. When that day comes, expect a notification and a selfie from space.

About Our Partners

We have financial agreements with the entities below:

  • BlockFi

Advertiser Disclosure

We partner with financial institutions, lenders, and other advertisers to better provide you with the most up-to-date product information that can help you make the important decisions in your life, but our content is not financial advice. Your personal situation and needs are personal to you -that's why it's called personal finance.  

Your trust in our process is essential, and we strive to maintain transparency when it comes to our advertiser partners. You can find a list of our current partners in our advertiser disclosure. We never allow our advertisers to influence our opinions, analysis or influence our star rankings.

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